Meet Me at the Mall: engAGE Living Lab Grand Opening, January 16th 2020

Jeudi, Janvier 16, 2020 - 15:00 - 18:00

Meet us at the mall for the Grand Opening of Concordia University’s engAGE Creative Living Lab, Thursday, January 16, 2020, from 3 to 6 pm.
Refreshments will be served.

You are invited to contribute to the creation of collaborative programming that is about to unfold in the C-14 storefront space at the Cavendish Mall, 5800 Cavendish in Côte Saint-Luc.

All activities are free and all welcome.

The engAGE Creative Living Lab is an interactive space open 5 days a week for older adults, university researchers and the broader community to be students and teachers for each other while experimenting and exploring materials, ideas, and digital technologies together. We invite skill sharing, conversations and the building of a creative and inclusive community across generations and cultures.

You are invited to be curious and creative by participating in the Media Spa and/or the Art Hive. You are also invited to engage in new learning experiences as part of this month’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Research Residency (January 16th to 31st, 2020):

January 2020 Research Residency: “Check Your Balance, Befriend Gravity, and Dance!”: Join Concordia’s engAGE researcher, Karen Li, PhD (Professor of Psychology specializing in studying the impact of hearing, vision, and cognition on motor coordination), and Berkley Peterson, MA to discover how your sensory system, especially hearing, contributes to safe winter walking and enjoy learning a few new dance moves with Brazilian dancer, Déborah Maia de Lima (PhD student in Études et pratiques des arts (UQAM) and in Performing Arts ( UFBA); Researcher in cultural dances, Improvisational performances; Creative Dance and Somatic Education as resources for Education, Artistic Creation, Illness prevention and improvement of quality of life).

Come and test your balance at the lab between 11-2, Tuesday to Friday.

engAGE Creative Living Lab Open Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 12-5 pm and Thursday 12-8 pm.

The engAGE Creative Living Lab is a Concordia University initiative from engAGE Research Centre, made possible through funding by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ)- Santé, Plateforme de financements de la recherche intersectorielle sur le vieillissement.

"The self is also a creation, the principal work of your life, the crafting of which makes everyone an artist." -Rebecca Solnit

“A Living Lab is a creative space where people with many different interests and backgrounds can collaborate in new and imaginative ways. Living Labs are also creative spaces for sharing technical skills and technical spaces for sharing creative skills. This makes Living Labs very special places.”
-Dave Carter, Manchester Urban Institute, University of Manchester

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