Name: Community Arts and Health in Ukraine Training Programme
Time: 29 February – 2 May 2024
Language: English (with subtitles in Ukrainian)
Location: Online on Zoom
Number of hours: 15 hours
ELIA’s UAx Platform is proud to announce an online Community Arts and Health in Ukraine Training Programme, administered by ELIA. This training will be led by Rachel Chainey, an art therapist and the coordinator of the Art Hives Headquarters at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada - as well as some guest presenters from the international Art Hives Network.
This is an experiential short training programme, which will be teaching the theories, methods and materials needed to create inclusive public homeplaces. This programme aims to bring multiple opportunities for community building, healing through art making, dialogue and skill sharing into neighbourhoods and institutions.
The programme is open to higher art education professionals in Ukraine who are interested in public practice arts for community, health, wellbeing and art therapy.
You will take away from these 12 hours of intensive training:
An overview of the theories that underpin public practice creative arts for community health and well-being
Practical tools and methods to facilitate and sustain successful arts-based third spaces, as well as an understanding of their impact
Direct experience of the Art Hive community art making process
Opportunities to receive personalized feedback to adapt the proposed methods to your particular context
An expanded local and international network of fellow passionate practitioners and an ongoing exchange of knowledge and experience
Course Overview
The online course spans two months from 29 February - 2 May 2024. The programme is divided into two parts, each designed to ensure a better understanding of Art Hives and their impact on public practice arts for community health and well-being.
Part 1 - Theoretical Modules
You will delve into six online modules, ranging from 45 minutes to 1 hour each. These modules will be prerecorded, and accessible via the Art Hives website upon registration. You will have more than one month to review the modules. The modules will cover essential topics that form the foundation of Art Hives. A dedicated group chat on the Telegram app will be created to connect you with the instructor, Rachel Chainey and the UAx facilitators to reflect on what you have learnt from the modules.
Overview of Modules:
- Module 1: Principles and Introduction to Art Hives [Released on 29 February 2024]
- Module 2: Overview of Foundational Theories in Public Practice Arts for Community Health and Well-Being [Released on 29 February 2024]
- Module 3: Art Hives Methods and Facilitation Approach [Released on 14 March 2024]
- Module 4: Third Spaces and Practical Considerations in Place-Based Public Practice Arts [Released on 14 March 2024]
- Module 5: Liberation Psychologies and Trauma-Informed Approaches to Public Practice Arts for Community Health and Well-Being [Released on 28 March 2024]
- Module 6: Perspectives for Art Hives Research and Evaluation [Released on 28 March 2024]
Part 2 - Live Sessions
After you have completed all the modules, you will be asked to participate in three interactive 2-hour live sessions, where the learning experience will extend beyond the theoretical modules. The dates for the live sessions will be announced upon registration and will be completed no later than 2 May, 2024.
Overview of Live Sessions:
- Q&A Session, Thursday 11 April 2024: Clarify doubts and engage in discussions following the completion of online modules
- Participation in Online Art Hive, Thursday 18 April 2024: Experience the practical application of Art Hives in a live setting
- World Cafe and Next Steps, Thursday 2 May 2024: Explore the future of Art Hives, discuss insights, and plan for the next steps in your creative journey
About ELIA
The European League of Art Education Institutions (ELIA) is a global network connecting close to 300 higher arts education institutions from over 52 countries. ELIA actively contributes to the formation of policies in higher arts education in Europe and beyond, including initiatives such as the Florentine Principles.