Quilted/Quartier is a project of community quilt-maps that artist Kay Noele working on in Art Hives around Montréal.
It started as a project with neighbours in St-Henri last summer, at La Ruche D'art St-Henri. Pieces of a paper map were replaced with fabric patches over the course of the summer months, and by the time autumn rolled in, Kay collected the pieces and sewed them together. A magical tapestry of neighbourhood, stories, and artistic exploration had formed on the wall.
Folks from all over the city came to the space and admired the project, inviting Kay to come work with their communities to make a series of Quilted/Quartiers. Community quilts are being worked on all over the city! Below are a list of the locations so far! Please let me know if you are interested in having Quilted/Quartiers come to your community in the coming year!
- St-Henri: La Ruche D'art St-Henri - Complete & on display in the Art Hive's Gallery
- Centre-Sud: Coop le Milieu - Complete & on display (at Galerie Mile End until mid April and then at Coop le Milieu)
- Centreville: La Ruche D'art St- James Emerging Art Hive (1439 Ste Catherine) - IN PROGRESS - Tuesdays 10-14h
***** DEADLINE 30 May: Please return all pieces completed by 30 May!
- Pointe St Charles: La Salle Alexandra, the basement of 210 Rue Charon - IN PROGRESS - for details please check the facebook page!
- Mile End: Galerie Mile (5345 Av Du Parc) - IN PROGRESS - Thursdays 14-17h throughout April
***** DEADLINE 30 April: Please return all pieces completed by 30 April!
Quilted/Quartiers will be coming to St-Raymonds (NDG) and Rosemont/Petit Patrie this summer! Also, still looking for locations to host the upper and lower Plateau, and Parc Ex!
For more info, photos, and updates, check the webpage @ www.quiltedquartier.com