On Saturday, April 9th, 2016, Dr. Janis-Timm-Bottos, Art Hives founder and director, was a guest presenter at the Art Therapy Spring Symposium 2016 of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
In this all day work-play seminar, Art therapy faculty, students and staff were invited to explore art therapy’s opportunities to widen the spaces that celebrate difference, support what’s already moving for people, and bridge multiple “ways of knowing” to academia and other service-oriented institutions of care and education. Participants deepened ther understanding of the methods and materials of “thirdspace”, looked at ways-of-knowing that are missing from their practice of art therapy, and reflected on ways in which they could make their practices more inclusive. They also engaged in a metaphorical collective art installation themed around the eco-diverse, life-giving marsh.
Janis Timm-Bottos is an Associate Professor in the Creative Arts Therapies program at Concordia University in Montreal. She is currently serving as the Provost Fellow for Community Engagement and is working with a team to map community-faculty- student led research being enacted in the city. Her work includes La Ruche d’Art St Henri and the Art Hives network, where over 75 art hives are linked for solidarity and sustainability.