*Les événements se tiendront en anglais mais une traduction chuchotée sera offerte*
Pat B. Allen is a writer, artist, wife, mother, grandmother and citizen dedicated to learning what it means to be a Crone in the world today. She has authored two previous books, Art is a way of knowing (1995) and Art is a spiritual path (2005), both published by Shambhala Publications. Cronation is a fictional reimagining of how Pat’s work to bring the Open Studio Process into being came into the world. Much of Pat’s previous work that led her to this moment is housed at www.patballen.com. To learn more about Cronation visit http://cronation.org/ and on FaceBook, Cronation.
La Ruche d'Art St-Henri, Monday August 15th, 2-5pm. Cost: 35$
ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/open-studioprocesscollaborative-inquiry-through-art-a-workshop-with-pat-b-allen-tickets-26861432267
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1080753655336770/
The Intention and Witness aspects of the Open Studio Process (http://www.patballen.com/pages/process.html#process)have been expanded to allow for us to inquire together with a shared intention. Collaborative Inquiry Through Art (CIA) is the advanced practice of opening ourselves to new information by first crafting a communal intention on behalf of the collective. Each of our unique and individual insights emerges in service to the greater good. Experience how good it feels to be both fully yourself and part of a group as we all contribute to new learning. Art, writing, sound, movement and celebration are the hallmarks of OSP/CIA. Come and restore and re-story together.
La Flèche Rouge, Tuesday August 16th, 6-9pm, event FREE and open to all
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/558599044343276/
Cronation synopsis:
What if a band of women tired of violence as a means of change went underground to dream, vision, paint and recreate the world as every mother and grandmother wishes it to be? A celebration of imagination and creativity, Cronation is a send up of humans, both men and women, trying to do the right thing in what feels like the terminal swoon of civilization. When Eve, a mid-level corporate executive is swept out of her business life by Cronation operatives, the shift of eras throttles into high gear. Clad in bunny slippers and a crocheted blanket, Eve plays a key role in ushering out the patriarchal era. Meanwhile Yang, the mangy coyote-esque embodiment of all things male, is helped off stage by Harvey, the only regular guy in the underground Cronation movement. Working as agents of the Central Intelligence, Aurelia Astarte Marx and her band of loving but firm Crones know that everyone and every thing contains a spark of the Divine Source. Their mission is to support the birth pangs as this consciousness dawns on the planet while the Crones envision how everything from guns to government can be reimagined for the new era of sacred partnership and creative community. Will the Crones succeed in stabilizing this seminal clash of cultures? Can they neutralize a renegade from their own ranks who wants to fight violence with violence? Read on and find out.