Art Hives Science Shop Presents...Full Circle: Towards an Aboriginal Model of Art Therapy

On October 20th, Inuk Art Therapist and Founder of the FreeArts4All Art Hive in Cape Breton, NS, Jennifer Vivian, MA presented her research on an aboriginal model of art therapy, first published as her MA thesis in 2013 and then expanded through her practice as an art therapist within aboriginal communities as well as learning from her elders and other community members. 

After presenting her work at the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) Conference in Toronto earlier this week, the Art Hives Science Shop invited Jennifer to present again for the Montreal art therapy and Art Hives community, as well as the public at large. Her presentation covered the historical context of mental health of Indigenous populations in Canada, suggestions for the practical application of the model for practitioners working with Indigenous population, and addressed the need for cultural competency in art therapy training. Participants made and shared art about the topic, as well as their personal stories. 

Jennifer Vivian's research paper can be consulted here : and she can be joined at

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