Space and materials

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The Expressive Therapies Summit (, now in its fifth year, is an impressive annual conference that brings together the various fields of creative arts and expressive therapies practice for 4 days of lectures, workshops, panels, and master classes. This year there were nearly a thousand attendees from around the world gathering to attend some 300 different events. And all of it in the heart of New York City.

What is the Art Hives Community of Practice?

This is a free and public online event hosted by the Art Hives Headquarters.

An opportunity for Art Hives practitioners everywhere to come together and exchange feedback with their peers about their experiences, questions, concerns, and dreams.

If you are thinking about starting your own Art Hive, this is an excellent place to connect with the community and get answers to your questions.


Welcome to POP UP ART HIVES in 15 Easy Steps! It’s fabulous to meet you.




  • Are you thinking about starting an art hive in your community?
  • Are you working in an existing art hive and would like to improve its functioning or expand its activities?
  • Are you looking to connect with people who share your dream?

This training is just for you!

After these 3 days, you will take away:


Artwork collage

For thousands of years we have gathered in circles…around fires, around bodies, around altars… because we can’t do this alone.

- Wayne Muller

We thank you for answering our invitation and sharing your Art Hives' images and intentions for 2023.

If you are curious about using Intention & Witness in your art making, please check out the Open Studio Process, (OSP) as developed by Dr. Pat B. Allen.


Art Hives Intentions and Images for 2023


Making images is a way of breaking boundaries, loosening outworn ideas, and making way for the new

Pat B. Allen.

Ruche d'art de l'Artlab

Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à démarrer cette ruche d'art ?

La forte croyance dans le pouvoir de transformation de l'art comme vecteur de changement social. 

Quelle est une chose qui fonctionne très bien dans votre ruche d'art ?

Les facilitatrices sont dans la grande majorité des étudiantes en beaux arts, en éducation des arts et en psychologie (avec un intérêt vers l'art thérapie). L'échange avec d'autres é qui participent à la ruche se fait très spontanément et permet de briser simplement la hiérarchie des savoirs.

December 7, 2022

By Lawrence Belanger, Local Journalism Initiative

Art Hives are a global movement, founded in Canada, to help likeminded people start community-based studios. At an Art Hive (Ruche d’art in French), anyone can work on self-directed artistic projects, with no instruction or direction. The concept was conceived by Janis Timm-Bottos, an art therapist and associate professor at Concordia University.

What motivated you to start this art hive?
Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à démarrer cette ruche d'art ?

willful thinking and comradery, interest in our community especially francophone expansion during the onset of COVID-19, the love of creating together


What is one thing that is working really well in your art hive?
Quelle est une chose qui fonctionne très bien dans votre ruche d'art ?

Dorval art hive, space and community

What motivated you to start this art hive?

Each of us being creative at heart, we both had experienced the personal, therapeutic and community benefits of participating in Art Hives during several years. Throughout, we were always feeling inspired to bring an Art Hive to Dorval, since there were none offered in our own community. We decided to collaborate on starting a Dorval Art Hive, after meeting in Janis Timm-Bottos' "Community Arts Studio" course at Concordia,

Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à démarrer cette ruche d'art ?

Offrir un endroit dédié à les échanges créatifs pour la communauté et aussi l’approche studio ouvert, l’accueil, le partage des connaissances, la gratuité; c’est mon bénévolat!


Quelle est une chose qui fonctionne très bien dans votre ruche d'art ?

What motivated you to start this art hive?

The Living Room Community Art Studio

What is one thing that is working really well in your art hive?

We put an art supplies donation tub at our community library and we have gotten SO many donations that way! Tons of art supplies that we can use in our programming or get back out to the community!

What is one thing that is challenging?

Art Hives with Indigenous Peoples and their Communities


Please note that the online art hives Schedule has been updated today, May 13th, 2021

This document contains the schedule and information about the art hives offering online sessions.

Veuillez noter que le calendrier des ruches d'art en ligne a été mis à jour aujourd'hui, 13 mai 2021.

Ce document contient le calendrier et des informations sur les ruches d'art proposant des sessions en ligne.

List of online Art Hives (En/Fr)

Updated on April 28, 2021  


**** This version is outdated, please visit  for the latest version.


(En français à la suite) 
The Spring 2021 Art Hives Institute: from Social Isolation to Circles of Care A 3-Part Online Training Series
Concordia University's Art Hives HQ & engAGE Creative Living Lab present:
THE SPRING 2021 ART HIVES INSTITUTE: From Social Isolation to Circles of Care-
A 3-Part Online Training Series
March 19th, 26th & April 2nd, 2021

Community Art Studio: Methods and Materials
CATS631 / ARTE398
Instructor: Janis Timm-Bottos

Course dates: Tuesdays 12-4 pm, May 11th to June 22nd 2021

3-credit course available for graduate students as well as undergraduates in their final year. 

Taught online on Zoom. 

Course Description: 


Instructors: Dr. Satoshi Ikeda & Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos

Course schedule: Thursdays 12-5 pm, May 13th to June 17th 2021

3-credit course available for graduate students as well as undergraduates in their final year. 

Taught online on Zoom. 

At the Concordia Downtown Campus Art Hive we have a diverse population of participants. While some join us from outside of the university we also have many students who come in to take a break from the stressors of school life, experiment and explore art making, and join the creative community in order to break isolation and enjoy some social time. Students come in and often express their struggle to  find balance admidst all of the pressure and responsibility they feel while studying.

ARTST5897  Art Therapy Studio: Art Therapy in Community-Supporting Wellness, Resilience and Action Through Making Art

Dates: July 27-31, 2020   

At St.Stephen's College (University of Alberta), in Edmonton, Alberta.

Instructor: Olga Perju, MA

No art making or art therapy training required.


On Monday, February 3rd 2020, I visited the Seniors/ Intergenerational Yellow Door Art Hive at the Galeries du Parc shopping mall, in partnership wih Association Récréative Milton-Parc. This Art Hive, located in the southwest corner of the Plateau Mont-Royal Borough, also known as the McGill Ghetto, is open on Mondays from 2 to 6 pm, at 3590 Jeanne-Mance street. During my visit, I chatted with Rocio, Mariam, Linda and Amritha. 

What motivated you to start this art hive? 

Tina Dealwis, Digital Communications Officer at Sheridan.

Button-making and brooch-making stations greeted people as they arrived, and helped ease attendees into the Art Hive experience. “The entranceway activities were a great ice-breaker,” says Patricia Buckley, Digital Curator and Special Collections Librarian. “They made people feel comfortable before they moved on to the other activities.”

Inquiry into the Civic Role of Arts Organizations: Case Study of Art Hives

By the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, July 6th 2018

"Our western society separates out art from the everyday – so we bring it back together."

Pictured are Janis Timm-Bottos, Art Hives founder and associate professor of creative arts therapies, and Stephanie Rossy, vice-chair of the Rossy Family Foundation.

Concordia celebrated the launch of its first-ever campus art hive on June 11, 2018. The art hive will also serve as the International Art Hives Network Headquarters. Pictured are Janis Timm-Bottos, Art Hives founder and associate professor of creative arts therapies, and Stephanie Rossy, vice-chair of the Rossy Family Foundation.

Canadian First: Concordia opens campus art hive and International Network Headquarters

The Art Hives Network and the Emergence of Public Practice Arts Therapy

Saturday April 28, 4:40 pm  -  5:40 pm

Janis Timm-Bottos, PhD, ATR-BC
Paige Asawa, PhD, MFT, ATR-BC, Discussant

Huit tonnes de déchets revalorisés en projets artistiques à l'université Concordia
Nadia Lemieux
Mercredi, 4 avril 2018

Depuis sa création il y a un an, un organisme de l’université Concordia a détourné plus de huit tonnes de matières destinées à être jetées pour les mettre au service de l’art.

Building a community through accessible art

The Concordian

Maggie Hope January 23, 2018

Le Milieu, a co-op art studio and vegan café, is a major part of the Montreal Art Hives network.

Read full article here

Incorporating Art In The Science Curriculum

August 24, 2017 - Imaginative Education (IE): Activities & Insights, Wonder-Full Links & Resources

By Jailson Lima (Chemistry Department, Vanier College, Montreal, QC)


Community Art Studio: Methods and Materials CATS631GD / ARTE398

Instructor: Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos

Course dates: June 7th-July 5th, 2017, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-5:00

Stay tuned for MINIBIBLIOS popping up throughout our Montreal locations!


On Monday, October 17, 2016 the LivingRoom Community Art Studio, an Art Hive in Oshawa, ON hosted Art Hives 101, a full-day workshop covering the founding principles and methods as well as the practical aspects (models and legal structures, financial, social and environmental sustainability) of starting an art hive in one's community or organization, offered by the Art Hives Network. This workshop is designed for people of all backgrounds interested in starting an Art Hive in their community and was facilitated by Rachel Chainey, Art Hives Network National Coordinator. 

Memorial University in St.John's, Newfoundland, welcomes Dr. Timm-Bottos on Saturday October 22nd, 2016 for a one-day experiential workshop, introducing the methods practiced in a community art studio, aka Art Hive, developed over a 22-year sustained research practice by Professor Timm-Bottos. She will present how the engagement in ongoing community creative arts can have a positive impact on the physical, mental and social wellbeing of participants, support the inclusion of marginalized populations and be a vehicle for dialogue and social innovation. 

Le Guide Pratique des Ruches d'Art a été créé en réponse a un besoin exprimé par plusieurs membres de la communauté qui partagent un désir de se regrouper pour répondre de façon créative aux enjeux auxquels fait face leur milieu de vie, et se demandent par où commencer. L’information que nous avons recueillie ici ne se veut pas un livre de recettes définitif, mais nous espérons qu’en rendant disponibles nos apprentissages jusqu’à ce jour, nous pourrons vous soutenir sur votre parcours vers la création d’une Ruche d’Art au sein de votre communauté.

The Art Hives How-to-Guide was created to address a need expressed by many community members who share a desire to regroup to respond creatively to issues in their communities, and are wondering “How do we begin?” The information we have gathered here is not a definitive recipe book, but we hope that by making what we’ve learned so far, readily available in an open source format, we can help make your Art Hive journey just a little bit easier. We want to support those of you who are inspired by the Art Hives model in making it your own.

The Making of Signs for La Ruche d’Art Pointe-St-Charles

By Jessica Gardner

The model and practice of Art Hives have evolved through two decades of sustained practice research, continuous observation and adaptation, and experimentation with spaces and organizational structures led by Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos, who has developed and established six successful art hives in different locations across North America.

New York! The city of food, architecture, art, straight-talking people, non-stop walking, The High Line, jazz, Broadway, the five boroughs…And a city that takes its notions of community very seriously.

At our Art Hives Symposium in June, we were all asked if there was anything we would like to share from our experience of setting up small site of community engaged art making.

I thought about what I could share after years of helping Janis start community studios (aka Art Hives) in various locations across the country. Every space requires a different set of parameters but how each space is set up has a major impact on what art is made there. For example, a carpeted space will not invite messy painting to occur or a dimly lit space will not welcome small scissor cutting.

To Combat Weak Social Ties, a New Way to Create

An 'arts hive' with focus on therapy puts expression before instruction.

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